AgriTech Day 2019 in Lindau-Eschikon
Open doors for visitors at the ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences, Strickhof and AgroVet-Strickhof
Under the title “Agriculture of the future – digital and sustainable?”, the ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences, Strickhof and AgroVet-Strickhof opened their doors to visitors in May 2019.
In largely sunny weather, visitors were able to experience the use and benefits of robots, drones, the FIP rope camera system and many other sensors and machines. The focus of the event was on ETH’s research approaches to the automation of plant cultivation and plant breeding. The work at AgroVet-Strickhof in the field of animal husbandry and feeding as well as the interaction with the Strickhof agricultural centre were also presented interactively. All in all, the potential of technical developments in agriculture was impressively demonstrated.

An open, broad-based discussion on smart farming is important in order to use the potential for production and breeding, while at the same time taking economic and ecological aspects into account. At AgriTech Day, visitors therefore had the opportunity to exchange ideas with researchers from ETH Zurich on these topics. At the event, ways were outlined and discussed in a vivid manner on how sustainability can be promoted on the one hand and how the small-scale structures of Swiss agriculture can be profitably used as a locational advantage for a new type of smart farming on the other.